Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 600 Summer St., 6th Floor, Stamford, CT 06905

Electrical Safety in Your Home

Electrical problem in the home can lead to house fires or electrocution, both of which can be fatal. There are some simple guidelines to ensure that accidents can be kept to a minimum.

Firstly don’t keep any electrical appliances which are damaged such as frayed cords, cracked housings or broken plugs. Replace or repair them or throw them away. Before you plug or unplug any appliances, turn off the power points and turn them all off when going to bed or when leaving home, including air conditioners, heaters and ovens or stove tops.

All appliances should have sufficient air circulating to ensure they do not overheat and exhaust fans should be kept clean and dust free. Any inflammable material should not be stored or kept near stoves, heaters or lamps or any other electrical appliance which generates heat.

Never use electrical appliance is areas where there is water, unless it is specially designed for that purpose and always use a licensed electrician to carry out all your electrical work and repairs.

If you or a loved one was injured or killed in an accident involving negligence or product liability, contact the Stamford pedestrian accident attorneys at Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP. We can help you recover the compensation you deserve. Call us at  (888) 244-5480 – or Click here for a free case evaluation.